Proverbs for kids

Stories are loved by children. Bed times or long drives are the best way to bond with your child. To keep a child interested, proverbial stories work wonders. It can actually be put to use while relating to routine doings in life. Proverbs and idioms can be done to gently make the child understand about right and wrong. Deep meanings are difficult for kids to comprehend and proverbs simplify the same. Important needs like caring, sharing and valuing money can be put through with proverbs.

‘Actions speak louder than words’ is the best way to discipline a child. Most times when children get into tantrums, a parent shouts in an equal volume or spanks the child. This can be alternated with a stern look or simply not speaking to the child. Finally repeating the proverb will make the child understand the meaning and most often kids do not repeat such aggressive behaviour. ‘Beauty is skin deep’ is another proverb which is beneficial. Older kids are very passionate about fashion trends. In the joy to explore, they disregard the value of money and natural living. This proverb can be mentioned to explain that there are many qualities that make a person beautiful and that seem higher than the physical attributes.

Children often get lazy. It takes patience to teach the child to put back the books or toys. More endurance is required to teach them to button their shirts or tie their shoe laces. One could fabricate more story in the proverb ‘Grapes are sour’ and explain how it is important to be independent and striving is essential to attain a goal. Additionally, ‘no gains without pains’ is the best way to teach the child to be self-regulating. The result is that they are habituated in putting a finished tray in the sink or wiping the hands after a wash.

Biblical proverbs are excellent. ‘It is better to give, than receive.’ The words of Jesus Christ are the best way to teach the child to share at the dinner table or when friends come over to play. A child loves to receive and we too, try hard to give the best to our children. The next time, the child has a chocolate bar, make it a point to teach the child to share a piece with its older sibling or a friend. Little thoughts have deep values. ‘The early bird catches the worm’, this proverb has much meaning in the later phases of life. Habits of getting up early in morning, timeliness in watching cartoon or doing the homework is about discipline. A child who has value for time is stress free, as being organized becomes his second nature.

Teach your child some of the famous proverbs or refer the kids dictionary and enhance his intellect, you can also check out for smocked dresses for your child on these links.

Girls Christian clothing is a sexy world

The media feeds us with information every day suggesting how girls and women should dress, however Christian clothing allows girls and women to trendy without compromising their integrity. Today’s television shows and advertisements deem the ideal to be very influential on our daily living and it is up to us to make the right choices as Christians.

School messages for girls are not any different, and girls group themselves according to the clothes they wear. Essentially, the more flimsy the top and shorter the skirt the more popular a girl becomes, this is very disoraging for a girl who wants to remain pure in a corrupted world. The popular notion that for a girl has to dress scantly and engage in promiscuous sexual behavior to be popular means survival for the prettiest or the scantiest. This is contrary to what God expects for his children. Since the beginning of time our sin has separated us from the love of God. We put in a lot effort to make idols for ourselves and the things we adore.

The bible is clear that human beings concentrate on the outward appearance while God looks on the inside of the heart. Furthermore Christ lives in us and us in him hence even our clothing should be a clear indication of or relationship with him as his children. Christian clothing on the other hand helps us express our love for Christ an honor him in our outward appearance. They remind us and those around us that we are his beloved children conformed to the image of his son Jesus Christ.

The scriptures are very clear on sexual purity and modesty, the book of Ephesians clearly states that non among us should be sexually immoral. It also mentions that our beauty should not be from our physical appearance but from the inner beauty of a woman who loves God with a clear conscience. God has no intention of killing our fun but he wants us to be faithful and diligent in the things that we do and the clothing that we wear.

Gils need to understand that the clothing they choose has a bearing on the treatment they receive from Christian brothers. Girls demonstrate their love for men when they dress modestly and not make them lust. Sometimes we like to urge that it is a woman’s right to wear what she wants. However, you cannot have your cake and eat it always. Christian clothing for girls helps them remain stylishly beautiful and attractive is a Godly manner.

Legacy Movement is a Christian clothing and Christian t-shirts company that allows believers to share their faith in Jesus, and be fashionable. Please visit their site at