Ardyss Review, How This Opportunity With Body Magic Can Be Magical

Ardyss is an experienced firm that has an innovative business opportunity to offer to its members. Started in 1989 by the Diaz De Leon family, this company has its base at Mexico. In the month of May 2007, this company was shifted their headquarters to Vegas and then changes a marketing sales model to a direct sales model.

Ardyss changed and opened the new door for hundreds of people, for these people to stay at home and have a business of their own at a high marketing level. This company does business in places like unites states, Mexico, domician republic and it also has 40 distribution centers around the worlds.

People now are more mindful of their health; Ardyss International offers products that are beneficial to everyone’s health. The best selling product of this company is the le’vive juice. Enriched with the goodness of fruits such as berries, pomegranates, goji and mangosteen, this juice helps in regulating sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol levels and protects your body against cancer.

They also provide skin products which are produced by some other company which is known as estee lauder’s skin care collection. Believe it or not, the company also has a garment range for men and women. Women, especially, get to benefit from specially designed undergarments that,on regular use, help to change their body shape by transferring fat from unwanted places to where it doesn’t look awkward.

The Ardyss body magic products help women in a lot of ways. For a woman the most special thing is too look slimmer and beautiful, this company provides both the kinds of products which satisfy a woman. The garment makes your stomach look flatter and your legs more shapely. This magic garment can reduce the size of a dress for a women but the problem is if it is worn for more time than your body loses its shape. When a person wears a garment of a size other than his or her actual size, over a period of time, it’s natural for his or her body to take on the shape of the garment.

The membership to living the ArdyssLife is not expensive, it is $30 for membership, $150 for auto ship and it charges $299 for a custom power pack. You tend to earn a proper income within six to eight months. It sounds shocking to know about a business which gives income so fast but this is the change brought in by compensation plan. This twenty year old company strives to provide people with a unique business opportunity that enables them to work from the comfort of their home with a chance to earn a decent residual income.

But all is not rainbows and butterflies for this Body Magic company. In terms of body reshapers there are a ton of companies right now who sell these types of garments for much cheaper. It is up to the rep to convince their clients that theirs is superior. That would be hard sell until you physically fit someone into one. The juice side of the business selling Le’Vive is also another hard sell mainly due to the fact that clients in the business must consume a large amount of the juice per month. For most families, the autoship is setup so there is always left overs and in many cases 2-3 extra bottles per month. After 12 months that is a whole lot of extra bottles if the network marketer doesn’t sell them by hand.

Competition in the health and wellness arena with juice is really stiff. Big players like Monavie who come in and pretty much dominate the scene with their Active and energy drinks have really taken a huge bite of the industry. Other more established companies like Tahitian Noni have been around a long time with a very loyal customer base. It will be very difficult to persuade a customer taking the Noni drink believe that Le’Vive is a superior product. In most cases it would take no less than 60 days of product to see if the sale would stick. Mandura and it’s royal fruits is an up and comer and it will not be easily outgunned by Le’Vive.

The market space for juice is extremely difficult and when a recession hits like it is for many now how can someone justify $40 bottles of juice when you can buy from a bulk distributor or just take another type of juice at the supermarket. Sure one’s health is vital but when companies like Mandura, Tahitian Noni, and Monavie are constantly pitching that their product is better customer retention will always be a problem. Since the juice has an expiration date, many reps are then having to consider if it’s a good business to stick with if they are not making money today. It is generally a matter of 60 to 90 days before the Ardyss rep figures out if they have what it takes to sponsor someone or sell the products. If they can’t, the only other choice is to quit the business and just be a customer which will have a ripple effect all the way up the organization which comes back to why so many companies in juice have very low retention rates for active reps and customers.

Itchy Skin Parasites That Drive You Crazy

Rare skin parasites, causing relentless itchy skin, suffered by thousands of people world wide are becoming more common. The itching is so intense and relentless that the only relief is to take near scalding baths several times a day to keep the vermin at bay.

How are the itchy skin parasites contracted? One lady contracted them from a bird nest she knocked down from a window. Another lady along with her husband contracted them from furniture they rented while their furniture was in transit. One fellow contracted them from a dust cloud while cutting down a dead tree. Another woman removed a nest of mice from a comforter stored in her garage and contracted them. Exchanging dresses at a wedding with another bridesmaid was the downfall of another lady. One woman even says she contracted it from a fellow sitting across from her at a meeting at work. She claims to have seen droplets coming from his mouth as he spoke. My own personal hell started when I had a cloud of dust descend upon me as I pulled a strangulating vine from a tree in my back yard.

Onset of symptoms usually starts approximately twenty-four to thirty-six hours after exposure. The initial symptoms are an itching of the skin driving the individual to a hot bath to relieve the symptoms. Unfortunately within several hours the intense itching returns. Anti itch creams only provide respite for a few hours.

Usually there’s very little to be seen by the naked eye, except perhaps some notice their skin sparkling in the sun light. Within a few days, as the symptoms become more severe, the itching develops into a biting sensation which feels as if it’s from under the skin resulting in rashes and lesions developing everywhere.

The family doctor usually prescribes Elimite, Diprolene, Quell, Cortisone, sulfa drugs… and antibiotics for the rash. There instant relief for up to about four days and then the itchy skin symptoms return in full force. It’s almost as if the parasites adapt and become immune to the barrage of treatments.

Next, the family doctor refers the individual to a dermatologist or a specialist. The dermatologist or specialist is often at loss to explain the physical condition. Because he can’t diagnose anything, he often suggests the problem is caused by stress or because the lesions are being scratched by one’s fingernails.

After pleading, he may take a plug sample for biopsy and a sample of blood. The sufferer finally thinks that the results of the test will identify the offending organism and begins to anticipation the results of the tests so the right treatment can be prescribed.

However, the blood test comes back basically normal except for a slight elevation in the CBC which may indicate a slight infection–nothing for alarm. And the results of the biopsy are likewise negative. The individual begins to think that he/she is living a bad dream.

Unknowingly while all this is happening, the sufferer’s environment–that is the entire home including all furniture, bedding, clothing… is infected. Some sufferers begin to notice black specs or a gritty material in their bedding or they notice fibers emerging from some of the lesions and cotton ball like material on their skin.

Their desperation and panic results in all kinds of de-wormers, herbal remedies, chelation therapy and or removal of amalgam from filings in their teeth to remove mercury, medications from Mexico, faith healing, rifing… most to no avail.

The offending parasites are generally one or more of several skin parasites:
1. Collembola (spring tails)
2. Strongyloides stercoralis
3. Morgellons
Unfortunately the fact is that nearly all physicians are totally inexperienced with the treatment of these pathogens and for two of them there are no diagnostic tests available. And ironically the one that can be identified (the strongyloides) is a rare nematode requiring a wormer which again physicians are inexperienced in its treatment.

How they are contracted is generally from skin contact with:
Bed bugs.
Iinfected clothing, furniture, jewelry…

The Strongloides has a life cycle where they exist internally and part of their life cycle takes some of them onto one’s skin where they can contaminate others. So even though they can initially be spread by bed bugs and mites, they can also be spread simply with warm skin contact with an infected garment or furniture.

Sexual contact is unnecessary for transmission–simple skin contact is all that’s required.

Long term exposure can result in complications of memory loss, joint pain, brain fog, Fibromyalgia, ADHD, bipolar disorder… However, it is unknown as to whether these complications are solely from the skin parasites or because of the accompanying Lyme disease and protozoan infections that often accompany the skin parasites.

Once infected with the skin parasites a lot of hard work is required to take your life back.
1. Disinfection of all surroundings, bedding, clothing, jewelry, automobile, work stations…
2. A bathing protocols using Epson salts followed by wiping the body with tea tree oil and the use of 999 cream (available in Chinese stores).
3. The parasite/Lyme diet which is high in protein and zero in most popular carbohydrates such as fruits, wheat… The skin parasites have food preferences. There are foods that they enjoy and they reward you for feeding them with biting and itching and there are foods that starve them. It required three years to discover and perfect the diet. Fortunately it’s been reported to work with all known types of skin parasites. It is also this special diet that allows the next item to create magic.
4. Using ORAP or one of several other prescription medications can successfully eradicate many of the vermin.

Yes, life can come back to normal from these itchy skin parasites and you can awaken from this bad dream and all the directions are in an e-book entitled Soothing the Itch Within and the Diet to Control It.

Found The Best Boho Tops

Boho tops definitely suggest the romance of another time or place, and can be a foundation of a distinctive bohemian look.

Even if just worn over jeans, they transform your day from ordinary to exotic. They can evoke a gypsy caravan, a Marrakesh market, a Summer of Love music festival or an evening in 19th century Paris drinking absinthe. They tend to be crafted from natural fabrics, but quality blends are available for travelers. Details include beads, ruffles, embroidery or crocheted trim.

Here are four styles of Boho tops must have: Gypsy Tops – Inspired by the simple peasant blouse, these now appear in bold colors and flirty necklines. If you’re a true flower child, they resemble the first garment you learned how to sew. Today, Lucky Brand and Johnny Was create stunning updated versions for you.

Hippie Camisoles – These can be loose and flowing, a bit more revealing than the others. They often feature tie-dyed fabric and spaghetti straps, but not always. Free People has the best selection.

Ethnic Tunics – These are classic boho tops, with influences from Mexico to Morocco, Indonesia to India. They can be long enough to double as a mini dress, worn over jeans or leggings. Hip-length tunics pair beautifully with a flowing skirt. Designer Johnny Was captures their essence and his ready-to-wear line can be found in better department stores.

Romantic Blouses – This trend features lace details, ruffled necklines and petite flower patterns. Think of Wuthering Heights or Jane Eyre. Chiffon and silk are favored fabrics. The Free People collection loves them, but Gabriella Rocha will often include a few examples in her line.

Individuality is the essence of bohemian style, so don’t let fashion, the season or even these tips constrain you. Feel free to combine looks in any way that appeals to your taste. Don’t be quick to dismiss the boho look as mere recycled hippie chic. It goes well beyond that as a way of expressing your imaginative inner life. Buying boho tops can be the first step toward discovering your own gorgeous individual style!

Boho is the new fashion trend today. So chanel your inner Boho now and get Boho Clothing. Luxurious, flowing, creatively crafted Boho Chic Style is now at Johnnywas. Check out johnny was tops and other great Boho clothing items at Johnnywas today!